Sunday, January 25, 2009


So I am not really sure about this whole bloggin thing... but ever since I have arrived in Thailand I am so overwhelmed by all the sights, smells and people that I had to find a way to share this experience with everyone. First, I think I should go back in time a little....

I arrived in Bangkok late Thursday night. The flight was surprisingly easy and not that long, I didn't even have jet lag. Friday morning I hit the ground running and went to see the Grand Place. It was the most elaborate and ornate place I've ever seen. The emerald Buddha and countless shrines were breath taking and it smelled of beautiful incense. I wish I had pictures to share but my camera is out of order so you'll have to wait till I get the disposable developed. 
After the Grand Place, I wandered the streets for a few hours. There are markets and vender's at every corner and food stalls every 10 feet. After a long day of walking I headed back to my hotel where I got an amazing Thai massage for the same price as my grande iced soy mocha!

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