I have so much to share since my last post ......
Let me start with teaching. On Tuesday we had our second practice teach at a local elementary school. My lesson went really well. I had the first lesson of the day so my students were really responsive and enthusactic. From Wednesday to Friday we taught at this massive private middle school, there was over 1.500 students. Day one was a little shaky, middle school kids are way more timid and self concsious about speaking English but by Friday I was way more confident and relaxed. My feedback was very positive, I've been told i have a perfect teacher voice. (By the way, my excessively loud voice has become the running joke in the program!, causing my instructor to move floors and a few upset hotel resident but I denay all charges of guilt) I've had an awesome time teaching these past two weeks and I've learned so much from peers. But Im glad this week is over, waking up early and planning lesson plans all night is pretty trying!!!
After all our hard work ATI and the resort threw us all a big going away party. We all got to wear traditional Thai costumes and we looked like Aaaaamazing! The karaoke portion of the night got a little out of hand and everyone was celebrating to the max! A great way to say goodbye as we all head our separate ways to teach but totally inconvientdent for my visa run!
Since I found out I have an extra week in Thailand, I have to leave the country tomorrow at 7am to get a 15 day extension on my visa. A group of us are taking a 10 hour bus trip to Myanmar (Burma) to cross the border. Im not looking forward to the trip but I love getting new stamps o my passport.
After the visa run, me and my new friends Brittany and Lacy are heading south.We are all on the same flight to Seoul so we are taking a little holiday before we have to get down to business. On Sunday we are taking the night bus to Bangkok and then finding our way to Kho Chang, off the Central coast of Thailand. It's suppose to be beautiful! Tons of islands you can swim to, cheap bungalows and the sun!!!. i already miss the beach and I can't wait to relax and work on my tan.
Other happenings.....
I got my hair chemically straightened, kinda like a perm. It took 4 hours! but it was super cheap and now I have Asia hair for the next 6 months. I think it looks pretty good and since I am without my usual utensil, its totally convenient.
I'm falling more in love with Thailand everyday, everything is walking distance and inexpensive. I took two huge bags of laundry to get washed, the next day they were clean and folded for under 5 bucks. It's quite the life here !
Now to the elephant ....
A group of us went to our favorite spot last week and on our way out of the bar, no joke there was a baby elephant just walking down the street! It was the craziest thing I've seen. He was so cute! He looked just like Dumbo but it was kinda of sad, he really shouldn't be walking down a busy street at 2am.
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