I love Children’s Day! Why? Because it means I got paid to come to work on Friday and all I did was Skype all day. Plus no work Monday or Tuesday!! (Children’s Day is national holiday when everyone honors their children. The parents give gifts to their kids and according to my students they will be receiving Nintendo Wii and computer games. I wish we had this when I was kid.)
It also means my first trip out of Korea. Brittany, Lacy and I are heading to Taipei, Taiwan. I know kinda of random but it’s only a 2-hour flight and it was the cheapest place we could find on such short notice. I actually think it’s going to turn out to be a really fun trip. A bunch of other English teachers are going to be there too, so the more the merrier.
Did you know Taipei has the tallest skyscraper? Yeah! 101 stories, that should be cool but I am most excited about the beach. Only an hour away! My tan from Thailand has long since faded. Even though being translucent white is the all rage here, I mean every commercial is for skin bleaching. But I am a Cali girl and I can’t really fight the urge for the ultimate tan. I also heard there’s tons of good veggie food, of course lots of shopping and it’s cheap.
Earlier this week I treated myself to a little post birthday/pre children’s day and first paycheck gift. I bought a Camera! I took a little trip down to Costco and picked out a nice Olympus digi. I can’t wait to share all my photos!!!
yeah the food and the shopping were great, huh? I love when my food smells like dead bodies. No one can say we didn't try though.