The match took place at Seoul’s impressive World Cup Stadium, built when the city hosted the games in 2002. Seoul FC put up a good match for the first half scoring two goals but that wasn’t enough to hold off the talent of Man-U, who ended the game in victory with three goals.
What really sent me into a frenzy was when Girls Generation came out on the field for their halftime performance.

Girls generation is one of the hottest all girl groups in Korea. They are pure manufactured pop goodness (which was embarrassingly obvious when the wrong music came on and they stood their awkwardly for a few minutes).
I seriously listen to K-pop all the time, maybe even more then some of my students. My favorite right now is the new group 4 Minutes; they are these cute little funky Korean hip-hop girls. Listen to their big hit "Hot Issue" I freakin' love it!
Then of course there is the most popular boy band, Big Bang. They are badass dancing machines. There are a few other boy bands like 2pm and Super Junior that have so many members it’s hard to remember their faces. Here is a little preview of some K-pop boy candy, its so addicting!
I just can't help myself the beats are just so catchy. When I am singing along I feel like I almost speaking Korean and I know what I am saying. My next step is learning the dance moves. Every major K-pop track has an elaborate signature dance routine, that of course all my girl students know every step to. But what was really more impressive was last week by the Gays, when seriously every boy in the club broke into a full fledge dance ensemble without missing a beat. Not only was I one of a handful of ladies in the club, but now I was a dance leper. I am never lettting this happen again, how embarrassing. Must practice dance routines before next visit to Homo hill!!
Side note I finally gave in and bought another camera. I went to the Techno mart and picked myself up a slightly older model camera for about a hundred bucks. Thanks to the help of a friendly Korean girl who helped me barter with the millions of sales guys in the overwhelming neon lit mall. Stayed tuned, lots more picture coming. Up next week: rafting, second attempt at bungee jumping, Andrew's visit and Thai paradise!