Wow! I feel like I haven’t updated my blog in weeks. Not much has really happened.
School is winding down. Only two more weeks till summer and 30 days till Thailand! Sounds weird but I am actually looking forward to summer school. I don’t have to come into work till 9am and I get off everyday at noon. Plus I get paid extra on top of my salary and paid vacation time. I guess another one of the perks of having a “real job”.
In other uneventful news, I did have plans to go bungee jumping last weekend but it was a no-go. I had been looking forward to doing it for weeks. I even stayed in on Friday night (which never happens) so I could wake up early and clear headed. When we showed up to the group meeting point at 9am there was already a large group gathered. The plan was to rent bikes near the Han River then cycle to bungee jump site. I was so excited to bungee jump that I must have forgotten to read the part about a 40km bike ride on the invitation. When we got to the jump site we were informed that only 15 of us would be able to jump, we had about 26 people. So everyone had to draw numbers to see who would get to take the plunge off the 40-meter tower over the lake. The girls and I made a promise that if we didn’t all pull numbers we would wait and come back another day. A decision I almost instantly regretted when I was the only one to pull out a number. But being the team player I am I gave up my place to our friend James. I was really disappointed but the fact that no of us got to jump is really motivating us to come back and take the leap!
It was so heartbreaking having to watch everyone get the adrenaline rush of making the plunge. Good thing there is a cure for heartbreak, BEER! We decided since we couldn’t jump we might as well make the best of a beautiful day with some drunk bike riding. We rode all 20km back with beers in hands having a jolly time and luckily without incident (I guess I didn’t learn my lesson from the broken-ankle fiasco of last summer). Why is it that summertime always brings out the daytime drinking?

Instead of This ...

We Did This!
Although this weekend had less sunshine it was in no shortage of good times. Ironically, my Irish friend Ross planned a Sports Day at the park for the fourth of July. Not to be out spirited by an Irishman. Lacy, Brittany and I got decked out in red, white and blue coordinating outfits with fabulous matching sweatbands. When we got to the park it was pouring rain and it looked like Sports day might not happen but the good thing about the weather here is that it’s always changing, you just have to wait.

So with in an hour the rain had passed and the dragonflies were out in full force. We graciously named ourselves “The A-team” and we were serious (and slightly buzzed) about this competition. There were about six teams made of 5 people, so imagine over 30 foreigners dressed ridiculous, playing odd games, drinking in a Korean park on a cloudy day. A classic recipe for the Fourth of July, minus being in America, having fireworks, BBQ’ing and beach part.

Sports Day had all the classic events: egg spoon race, three-legged race, an obstacle course, throwing contest and tug of war. Although we rarely came in the top three, we had tons of laughs and an awesome time cheering each other on. Spending our countries birthday in a park with more English and Irishmen then Americans was usual but still patriotic!

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