Let me share my new favorite obsession, Korean couples. They are the best and the most extreme ever! There are certain rules that apply if you want to be in a Korean relationship (see list below)
• Must act like you are in a TV drama all the time. This means the girl is crying, ignoring her boyfriend and only speaking by using different pitches of whining.
• Need to have matching promise rings.
• Text each other at least 100 times a day.
• The man must carry the girl’s purse.
• Walk each other to the subway and hold your hands against the windows until the train takes off acting like you are parting ways for eternity but then immediately texting each other when eye contact is lost.
• The ultimate sign of affection is the matching outfits! I kid you not, this is a phenomena. Korean couples actually wear matching outfits, head to toe out in public. I have seen girls wearing the same shoes, t-shirt and men’s jeans as their boyfriend and men wearing the same shorts and hoodie as their girlfriend. I have heard there are actual stores dedicated to this fashion crime. I don’t know where these couples are going and why it would ever require them to wear identical outfits but it does make my day whenever I spot one. (I secretly cant wait to wear one)

I am “so Korean” lately. I have expanded my vocabulary to three words. I know pretty amazing, it only took 12 weeks but seriously I can actually distinguish words now. I can also adequately get to and from my house via taxi. I have pretty much mastered the subway. I can make Kimbap (Korean sushi) and Korean men love me! I think I am turning Korean
Last Thursday after swim practice a group of Ajeoiss (older men) invited me out for soju (rice alcohol). Seeing how I had stood them up last Friday which made them “very angry at you Mardy, we drink lots Soju so angry you no come.” I felt more then obligated to go, plus I wouldn’t mind actually making some friends at my pool. Since I am convinced that the locker room attendant who follows me around with a mop every time I walk to my locker has gotten all the Ajumma (older women) to hate me. I can’t tell if the guys in my lane think because I am the only one who does flip turns I must be intentional trying to splash water in their face.
Other then that everyone is very friendly, lady that works in to pro shop even ordered me special speed fins. They are all very impressed by my swimming especially since I politely agreed when they asked if I was a professional. But in my defense, I did beat their fastest swimmer in a race by a couple body lengths.
So soju with the Ajeoiss turned out to be very entertaining evening. After 6 or 7 bottles all their English had to deteriorated to inaudible and they began an elaborate game of charades. They were so funny and were very excited to teach me Korean customs. Such as; you must never pour your own shot, always hold your glass with your right hand and left when receiving, how full you pour the shot is how much you like person (they liked to make mine over flowing) and you never split the bill, one person always picks up the whole thing!
The rest of the weekend was pretty typical. Friday night in Bucheon, yummy Indian food and drinking on the streets with a group of Korean guys who tried to teach use Korean. Saturday was a beautiful day. We spent the day lounging in the park then sippin Coronas at a beer garten. We joined some friends for a nice BBQ on a rooftop that had an awesome view of Seoul tower. Saturday night turned into Sunday morning like it always does somehow. Since the weather has been so gorgeous I can’t bear wasting another Sunday sleeping all day. So I trekked it across town to join some friends for a baseball game. The LG Twins played the Kia Lions and the stadium was packed. Couldn’t even find a seat but $5 bucks for a professional game, can’t complain.
Its Monday afternoon and the week is off to a spectacular start. Just booked my 17-day holiday in Thailand! Only 67 days till I am back in paradise. But what makes this the ultimate week is that my number uno DJ and love of my life, KASKADE is coming to Seoul on Saturday. I am one very happy dancing queen : )
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