I guess I should mention the craziness that is North Korea, seeing how is only a couple hundred kilometers away. I don’t think my information is any different from what you hear back in the states. The South Koreans don’t seemed phased or concerned by the recent aggressive actions of Kim Jung Ill. They are confident the world is supporting them and I am sure the huge US military presence here is also a confronting factor. They are still hopeful for a united country, just his week my students made some beautiful unification posters. Not sure how that would go down, North and South seem like night and day to me but peace is always the best resolution. Lets hope for change.

On the weekend front I had to make a really tough decision. It was serious agony. Choice 1: Go camping and to the beach on the east coast for the weekend with all my mates.
Choice 2: Stay home all weekend without my besties but go see KASKADE Saturday night.
I’ve never had such an internal battle. I spent all day Friday weighing both options and couldn’t make up my mind. I literally had my bag packed to go camping was getting ready to go out the door but something stopped me. I glanced over at my wall that is scattered with a handful of my pictures from all the Kaskade shows I’ve been to. I mean how could I really pass up an opportunity to see my favorite DJ play an international show and what kind of poser would that make me. So I had to stay true to my passion, choice #2 it was.
I spent Saturday lounging in the park and buying some produce at the market but it felt a little weird not being with my sidekicks. Luckily my good friend Sarah was more then willing to get all dolled up and dance the night away with me.
The night started out a little rocking. As I was standing in the subway my heel unexpectedly broke. I usually never wear heels out and I was now defiantly regretting the decision. As I was hobbling out of the subway on one foot, my lucky stars aligned. A street shoe repairman! This guy was serious and well equipped to handle the job. What he did was nothing short of surgery. There was hot tar, screwdrivers, a torch, screws, nails and glue all involved just to get my heel back in place. After 45 minutes and five dollars he had fixed my shoe. Thank god because only having one pump would have really ruined my outfit.
Kaskade played an amazing show as usual. A three-hour set that got everyone jumping. I was front and center the whole time, taking way too many pictures, which really pissed the bouncer off. Whoops! A magical evening indeed beside the fact I woke up to a broken camera, no clue how I managed to crack the screen but lets just hope the Costco warrantee covers nights at the club.
Sunday was spent in usual recovery mode. The weather was actually quite nice lately this weekend but this week was more like a rollercoaster of weather patterns. Monday was hot and clear, Tuesday was cloudy and warm, Wednesday there was rain, thunder and lightening, Thursday to Sunday was hot and pleasant. This is too confusing for me; I really don’t understand this whole season thing. I mean I am use to San Diego, a mild 70 degrees with scattered clouds, that’s weather no?
Looking forward to this week heading to Jeju island “the Hawaii of Korea.” Brittany and I are going with an online meet up adventure group, so private plane and planned activities all weekend. We are going to be renting bikes and cruising around the island. Means I get to see the ocean, its been way to long and I am in need of an open water swim. Got to get my camera gets fixed in time to capture it all.
That is so random that there was a shoe repair man... You are one lucky girl! and you crack me up...
ReplyDeletegive peace a chanceeeeeeeeeeeeee
ReplyDeleteI really missed you last weekend. It's not okay for that to ever happen to us again.